Dienstag, 7. September 2021

30 days Gyaru Challenge! - Day 1

I saw some gals doing this so i thought I'll give it a try 
Here is the link from Lizzies original post! Gyaru Challenge 

Day 01 – When did you start doing gyaru?

I think it was around 2012 ??? Sadly I was introduced to it in a bad way. I was in the j-fashion / visual kei / harajuku fashion / howeveryouwannacallit community and some of my friends made fun of Gyaru so I was always afraid to wear the fashion myself.
Luckily I met a wonderful gal back in 2012 and she made me try it and encouraged me 
From that day I slowly dipped my toes more and more into the fashion and lifestyle. Sadly I'm still sometimes self conscious 

anyways.. here the very first 2 gal attempts I did from 2012 www 
Yes, I did the classic "white eyeliner in waterline" mistake

Because I was into j-fashion I had a really weird hair cut ww some months later I got exte and looked a bit better

I think thats it so far!

2 Kommentare:

  1. I wouldn't call the white eyeliner a "mistake"...it's just unflattering to many gaijin gyarus...I did see jp gyaru using white eyeliner and they looked great. I think it highly depends on your eyeshape and how you put it in the makeup...

    1. yeah thats actually true, I just really dislike this white eyeliner on me so I autmatically called it a mistake w
